There are many different kinds of rice noodles in Guizhou, with different ways of eating and different tastes. Tongren"s mung bean noodles is a kind of popular choice for breakfast for many people, and they are especially loved by people in the area of Yinjiang and Yanhe.
The light and creamy flavor is the most important feature of mung bean noodles. It maybe taste a little hard when the non-native try it the first time, but this is the reason why people like to eat mung bean noodles.
While eating, put the mung bean noodles into the boiling water. After that, scoop it into a bowl and mix it with topping(spicy chicken, minced mea) and other condiments. And if you use the choppedpickled cabbage as topping,it may be more tasty.
Mung bean noodles also have the effect of clearing heat. Let"s have a bowl of mung bean noodles this spring!
Reporter:Zhou Ji, Liao Shanghai
Editor: Gao Xin
Senior Editor: Wang Luyao