Whatwouldour Earth look like in a “Carbon-Free” future?
Phonepaseuth Soulivong, the international student ofGuizhou Institute of Technologyfrom Laos, said,“The housing price will not be influenced bylocationand transportationbut the efficiency of energy conservation,emission reduction, and artificial intelligence.”
“We will use artificial intelligence as a way to control carbon emission. All endangered species will return to the Earth.”Wu Tingliang, associate professor of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Guiyang University, thought.
In this episode of our Talk to the Future, launched by the Guizhou International Communication Center and the Secretariat of Guizhou Youth Federation,Phonepaseuth, a young international student from Laos, went into Aha LakeNationalWetland Park in Guiyang, Guizhou, embraced the green mountains, rivers, birds and flowers and had a dialogue withWuTingliangfor embracing a carbon-free future.
Recently, asone of the firstNational Ecological Civilization Pilot Zones, Guizhou has made great progress in green development, especiallyin "carbon emission reduction" and "carbon sink enhancement". In 2021, Guizhou has achieved 62 pct of forestry coverage, 98.4 pct of average days of good ambient air quality in the province"s nine central cities, and 100 pct of the water quality compliance rate of centralized drinking water sources above the county level.
Take Guizhou"s Single Tree Carbon Sink for Poverty Alleviation Projectas an example, up to now, Guizhou has completed the development of carbon sink projects in 33 counties, planting3.783 million carbon sink trees, absorbing about 7.3 million tons of carbon dioxide per year, and more than 3,800 poor families have increased their income through carbon sink trees.
Source:Lai Yingying, Gao Hang, Wang Guofeng, Wei Yuxin
Editor: Gao Xin
Senior Editor: Tian Minjia