In late autumn, on the fields of Wengzhao Village in Huali Town, Kaiyang County, the staggered hamlets, green hills, and lucid water make an idyllic picture, suffused with the joy of the bumper harvest. (Photo: Yuan Fuhong)
深秋时节,开阳县花梨镇翁昭村田野间,错落有致的村庄与青山绿水相映成趣,蓝天白云下的乡村韵味十足,呈现出一幅美不胜收的乡村秋色画卷。 袁福洪 摄
In late autumn, on the fields of Wengzhao Village in Huali Town, Kaiyang County, the staggered hamlets, green hills, and lucid water make an idyllic picture, suffused with the joy of the bumper harvest. (Photo: Yuan Fuhong)
深秋时节,开阳县花梨镇翁昭村田野间,错落有致的村庄与青山绿水相映成趣,蓝天白云下的乡村韵味十足,呈现出一幅美不胜收的乡村秋色画卷。 袁福洪 摄
In late autumn, on the fields of Wengzhao Village in Huali Town, Kaiyang County, the staggered hamlets, green hills, and lucid water make an idyllic picture, suffused with the joy of the bumper harvest. (Photo: Yuan Fuhong)
深秋时节,开阳县花梨镇翁昭村田野间,错落有致的村庄与青山绿水相映成趣,蓝天白云下的乡村韵味十足,呈现出一幅美不胜收的乡村秋色画卷。 袁福洪 摄
In late autumn, on the fields of Wengzhao Village in Huali Town, Kaiyang County, the staggered hamlets, green hills, and lucid water make an idyllic picture, suffused with the joy of the bumper harvest. (Photo: Yuan Fuhong)
深秋时节,开阳县花梨镇翁昭村田野间,错落有致的村庄与青山绿水相映成趣,蓝天白云下的乡村韵味十足,呈现出一幅美不胜收的乡村秋色画卷。 袁福洪 摄
In late autumn, on the fields of Wengzhao Village in Huali Town, Kaiyang County, the staggered hamlets, green hills, and lucid water make an idyllic picture, suffused with the joy of the bumper harvest. (Photo: Yuan Fuhong)
深秋时节,开阳县花梨镇翁昭村田野间,错落有致的村庄与青山绿水相映成趣,蓝天白云下的乡村韵味十足,呈现出一幅美不胜收的乡村秋色画卷。 袁福洪 摄
In late autumn, on the fields of Wengzhao Village in Huali Town, Kaiyang County, the staggered hamlets, green hills, and lucid water make an idyllic picture, suffused with the joy of the bumper harvest. (Photo: Yuan Fuhong)
深秋时节,开阳县花梨镇翁昭村田野间,错落有致的村庄与青山绿水相映成趣,蓝天白云下的乡村韵味十足,呈现出一幅美不胜收的乡村秋色画卷。 袁福洪 摄
In late autumn, on the fields of Wengzhao Village in Huali Town, Kaiyang County, the staggered hamlets, green hills, and lucid water make an idyllic picture, suffused with the joy of the bumper harvest. (Photo: Yuan Fuhong)
深秋时节,开阳县花梨镇翁昭村田野间,错落有致的村庄与青山绿水相映成趣,蓝天白云下的乡村韵味十足,呈现出一幅美不胜收的乡村秋色画卷。袁福洪 摄
Editor: Wang Ziyi
Senior Editor: Min Jie

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