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世界快看:Spring Song of Reed-pipe Instrument in Qianxi丨贵州黔西:苗族芦笙 奏响春天
发布日期: 2023-03-02 19:39:56 来源:
  • 来源:当代先锋网

  • (相关资料图)

    Embrace a melodious spring!


    In the warm sunshine, the students from the Lusheng club at a primary school in Qianxi, Bijie went on a spring outing into the rapeseed flower field, played the traditional reed-pipe instrument Lusheng and sang to beautiful spring days.


    Reporter: Hou Jinyong

    Editor: Gao Xin

    Senior Editor: Liu Dan

    关键词: 阳光明媚
    24小时热点 精彩推荐