Recently, the 4th Chinese Kite Culture Festival was held at Eritrea"s National Stadium. Around 600 people from Eritrean relevant institutions participated.
据悉,本次活动以“中厄友谊,迎风飞扬”为主题,由中国驻厄立特里亚使馆主办、 厄立特里亚文化体育委员会和贵州财经大学孔子学院联合承办,旨在增进厄民众尤其是年轻人对中国文化的感受与理解,加深两国人民友谊。
"Flying High China-Eritrea Friendship" was the theme of the event, which was hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Eritrea and co-organized by the Eritrean Culture and Sports Committee and the Confucius Institute of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics.
"This festival was held after the 31st Independence Day of Eritrea." Cai Ge, the Chinese Ambassador in Eritrea, said that people from both China and Eritrea came to celebrate Eritrea"s Independence Day by flying kites for the auspicious wishes of happiness and health for the Eritrean people and the everlasting friendship between the two countries.
A total of 26 teams from the Eritrean government departments, organizations, schools, as well as the Chinese-funded institutions in Eritrea participated in the kite flying competition.
After the competition, the Red Sea middle school, Olot medical school, and the 15th Chinese medical team in Eritrea won the first prize in each group.
Reporter: Lai Yingying, Yang Ruijia(Intern)
Editor: Wang Ziyi
Senior Editor: Tian Minjia