Located deep in the mountains of Daxing Village, Longping Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City, the red maple forest is like a big red carpet under the autumn sun, dressing up the earth in a very auspicious and enchanting way.Visitors from all over the world have come to the red maple forest to enjoy the beauty of autumn and celebrate the good time of the weekend, making this autumna beautiful memory hiddenin the heart.
Aerial photograph of the beautiful red maple forest in Daxing Village, Longping Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City. Photo by Li Renjun
航拍遵义市播州区龙坪镇大兴村红枫林美景。李仁军 摄
Aerial photograph of the beautiful red maple forest in Daxing Village, Longping Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City. Photo by Li Renjun
航拍遵义市播州区龙坪镇大兴村红枫林美景。李仁军 摄
Aerial photograph of the beautiful red maple forest in Daxing Village, Longping Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City. Photo by Li Renjun
航拍遵义市播州区龙坪镇大兴村红枫林美景。李仁军 摄
Visitors played in the red maple forest in Daxing Village, Longping Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City. Photo by Li Renjun
游客在遵义市播州区龙坪镇大兴村红枫林游玩。李仁军 摄
Visitors played in the red maple forest in Daxing Village, Longping Town, Bozhou District, Zunyi City. Photo by Li Renjun
游客在遵义市播州区龙坪镇大兴村红枫林游玩。李仁军 摄
旅行家Yang2 摄行贵州 阿呆的相机
Reporter:Li Renjun
Editor: Gao Xin
Senior Editor: Liu Dan

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