On February 22, 2023, tens of thousands of cherry trees bloom on the banks of the Zongxi River in Nayong County, picturing the countryside beautifully. Tourists flock to enjoy the flowers and take pictures upon hearing the news.
Nayong has more than 1,600 acres of cherry trees. Visitors are attracted over to enjoy the wonderful view when they bloom and in late spring the sweet cherries, which brings an increased income for local farmers.
Cherry trees bloom on the banks of the Zongxi River in Nayong County, and tourists are taking photos in the sea of cherry blossoms on February 22, 2023. (Photo: Zhang Xiaoyong)
2023年2月22日,纳雍县总溪河畔数万亩玛瑙红樱桃花绽放,花海中的乡村美如画卷,游客闻讯前来赏花拍照。张晓勇 摄
Cherry trees bloom on the banks of the Zongxi River in Nayong County, and a tourist is taking photos of cherry blossoms on February 22, 2023. (Photo: Zhang Xiaoyong)
2023年2月22日,纳雍县总溪河畔数万亩玛瑙红樱桃花绽放,花海中的乡村美如画卷,游客闻讯前来赏花拍照。张晓勇 摄
Cherry trees bloom on the banks of the Zongxi River in Nayong County, and a tourist is taking photos of cherry blossoms on February 22, 2023. (Photo: Zhang Xiaoyong)
2023年2月22日,纳雍县总溪河畔数万亩玛瑙红樱桃花绽放,花海中的乡村美如画卷,游客闻讯前来赏花拍照。张晓勇 摄
On February 22, 2023, the cherry trees bloom on the banks of the Zongxi River in Nayong County, picturing the countryside beautifully. (Photo: Zhang Xiaoyong)
2023年2月22日,纳雍县总溪河畔数万亩玛瑙红樱桃花绽放,生态美如画卷。张晓勇 摄
On February 22, 2023, the cherry trees bloom on the banks of the Zongxi River in Nayong County, picturing the countryside beautifully. (Photo: Zhang Xiaoyong)
2023年2月22日,纳雍县总溪河畔数万亩玛瑙红樱桃花绽放,生态美如画卷。张晓勇 摄
Source: gzspic.com
Stringer: Zhang Xiaoyong
Editor: Wang Ziyi
Senior Editor: Tian Minjia
