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全球热议:Diplomatic envoys, foreign youngsters have fun in Zunyi, Guizhou! | 驻华使节、国际青年代表玩转遵义!
发布日期: 2023-04-11 17:43:24 来源:
  • 来源:当代先锋网

  • (资料图)

    April 10-13 see INTERNATIONAL YOUTH TOUR TO GUIZHOU open! Join with diplomatic envoys to China and young diplomats, international scholars, foreign social media influencers and foreign students to feel Guizhou’s stunning changes, and unique culture. The trip includes visiting vinegar manufacturing, bamboo drifting and bamboo weaving.


    Later, they will visit Zunyi, Meitan, and Wujiang Village to experience the eye-catching development of Guizhou and its unique charming culture.


    贵州日报天眼新闻记者周璇 黄怡雯 刘义鹏

    编辑 朱紫蒨

    编审 闵捷

    24小时热点 精彩推荐